Helping MCS Students

What is CSSC?

The Computer Science Student Community (CSSC) is a community organization overseen by the Computer Science Faculty in MCS. Taking its roots from the Hacklab, the CSSC is tasked to support students’ academic and professional needs throughout their university career all while providing space and opportunity for community growth. The CSSC also acts as a central hub for computer science students to seek guidance, advice, and support. Furthermore, they act as a supporting pillar between all MCS student clubs/societies.

Guidance for Students

Student Support and Guidance

The CSSC aims to support all students within the Computer Science community and provide them with appropriate resources to combat their issues.

Academic Growth

Academic and Professional Growth

The CSSC aims to equip students with knowledge that helps them tailor their university experience to support their careers and post-graduation goals and aspirations.


Development of Technology Resources

The CSSC has devoted our technology team to develop processes and tools to help Computer Science students succeed academically and professionally.


Collaboration with MCS Clubs and Societies

The CSSC contributes resources to assist all clubs and societies within the MCS community.

Emma Teng's Img
Emma Teng

Barely alive, hardly living

Emma Dong's Img
Emma Dong
Vice President

no one believes that I, a casual cosplayer and genshin player for 4 years, I touch grass... I blame my 2 hour commute :(
