What is CSSC?

The Computer Science Student Community (CSSC) is a community organization overseen by the Computer Science Faculty in MCS. Taking its roots from the Hacklab, the CSSC is tasked to support students’ academic and professional needs throughout their university career all while providing space and opportunity for community growth. The CSSC also acts as a central hub for computer science students to seek guidance, advice, and support. Furthermore, they act as a supporting pillar between all MCS student clubs/societies.

Student Support and Guidance

The CSSC is an open space for Computer Science students to come in and ask questions about their university and post-university career. We cover topics such as: technology, school, mental health, personal goals, and career development. We act as liaisons to the Computer Science faculty to ensure that all students can seek appropriate support and guidance. The CSSC seeks to support students through community initiatives built upon inclusivity and empowerment.

Academic and Professional Growth

The CSSC will be collaborating with the MCS organizations and hosting multiple workshops throughout the academic year to better equip students with technological knowledge sought after by employers in the industry. We provide students with opportunities, space, and resources to work on community projects, technical interview questions, and fun technical events so students can gain experience outside of the classroom. The CSSC also aims to inform students of what options they have post-graduation with a Computer Science degree and how they can combine this degree with other fields.

Development of Technology Resources

The CSSC has devoted our technology team to develop processes and tools to help Computer Science students succeed academically and professionally. We curate resources from across the internet and produce original content all the while keeping the interest of students as the top priority.

Collaboration with MCS Clubs and Societies

The CSSC provides support to all of the clubs/societies belonging to UTM’s MCS community. We provide spaces and resources for MCS organizations and work closely with them in order to achieve common goals; some of which are: community building, academic achievements, professional development, mental wellness, diversity, equity and inclusion.

Meet the Team
Kiara Callender
Executive Director

Fourth Year student at UTM studying Computer Science and Criminology with a minor in political science. She enjoys anything anime and gaming related and she loves dogs!

Daksh Malhotra's Img
Daksh Malhotra
Vice-Executive Director

Hello Kitty

Aaron Shah
Director of Technology

computer (everyday at cssc is a banger)

Kevin Ni's Img
Kevin Ni
Director of Operations

Kevin is a third year specializing in computer science and majoring in statistics. His primary interests are in machine learning and data science. You might find him procrastinating by attending other people's lectures or watching YouTube in an empty classroom.

Andi Bergen's Img
Andi Bergen
Faculty Advisor

Andi is an Computer Science professor at UTN, He is passionate about computer security and teach many of those courses at UTM.

Brian Zhang's Img
Brian Zhang
Technology Officer

Brian is a third year majoring in computer science and CCIT with a keen interest in front-end development. He enjoys high-level software development as a whole but otherwise you can find him in one of UTM's many student communities or watching YouTube videos and playing various video games!

Ido Ben Haim's Img
Ido Ben Haim
Technology Officer

Hey there! I am a 2nd year CS student. I love skiing, tennis and problem solving. I love to chat so make sure you stop and say hello if you see me around campus :)

Manav Bhojak's Img
Manav Bhojak
Technology Officer

Manav is a 4th year computer science major interested in backend development. He enjoys coding, playing video games, and going out with friends.

Le Nguyen's Img
Le Nguyen
Logistics Officer

Le is a third year statistics major with a double minor in math and computer science. She is interested in data analytics and data science. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music and watching youtube videos.

Dan Nguyen's Img
Dan Nguyen
Logistics Officer

Dan is a second year specializing in computer science and majoring in mathematics. In his free time he enjoys playing badminton and biking.

Waleed Haddad's Img
Waleed Haddad
Logistics Officer

I’m a 3rd year UTM student, majoring in CS and minoring in GIS and Math. I love talking to people and I’m usually the one making plans in my friend groups, which leads to being a Logistics Coordinator for CSSC! I hope to plan and host a bunch of exciting CS events, especially for the 1st and 2nd years, so keep a lookout this year!

Amber Richardson's Img
Amber Richardson
Social Media Coordinator

I am a second year, with a major in computer science, a minor in math, and a minor in professional writing and communication. While I’m still exploring computer science subfields of interest, I currently enjoy web and game development, and cybersecurity. When I have free time, I enjoy crocheting, writing, and playing video games!

Joshua Spencer's Img
Joshua Spencer
Social Media Coordinator

A real person from a place that does not exist

Emma Teng's Img
Emma Teng
Social Media Coordinator

Emma is a third-year CS and Stats major. She enjoys small projects and badminton. She also likes to rest but you can often spot her in the library struggling over stats and pulling all-nighters.

Emma Dong's Img
Emma Dong
Social Media Coordinator

help arrived!