Open Source Directory
Contribute to student and community made projects!
Want to gain development experience while collaborating with other students in the community? Try contributing to student-led open source projects! Here you can find a collection of projects that are looking for contributors. Or, if you have a project that could benefit from outside help, add your project to the directory!
WVAnon is a Discord bot that enables users to send anonymous messages, allowing users to freely discuss mental health issues
Deerhunt Infrastructure
The Deerhunt Infrastructure project is a full stack application for hosting and running AI competitions.
Daisy Reminder and Small Talk Bot
A bot that reminds people to do their work, and leaves encouraging words when they finish their work.
MarkUs is a Ruby on Rails and React web application for the submission and grading of student assignments
PyTA is a Python program which uses analyzes student code to find and fix common coding errors in introductory Python courses.
UofTea is a web app meant to help students find information and reviews of courses and professors at UofT
PCRS is an application for bundling interactive programming exercises with video-based instruction
VIAplanner is a website that simplifies the course selection process for UofT students
CSSC Website
The CSSC Website is an open space for students to ask questions, use academic tools, and get connected within the CS community.

A community organization overseen by the Computer Science Faculty dedicated to helping students!

UTM Robotics
The Robotics club seeks to empower the club's members and the broader student community to collaborate on robotics projects. We hope to create a place for innovation for applied computer science, and promote interest in robotics and its applications at UTM.

White Van
A student run community, based on Discord, where you can hangout, talk about projects, give and get help, and more.