Course Resource

Course resources are pages dedicated for courses that are offered at UTM. The course resource pages include information about the course and additional resources to help the students succeed in the course.

Template for creating course resource pages

Course Code: Class Name


  • Display all the prerequisite courses and properly link them to their corresponding course resource page

Course Website

  • Attach the latest course website by using the grid-1-x-2 component
    • An in-depth tutorial on how to use the grid components can be found here

Display the past exam resource using the ExamText component:

ExamText Props:

class-codeStringCourse Code""


<ExamText class-code="CSC108"></ExamText>

What is it about

  • A quick summary that covers the important materials that are taught in the class
  • A quick description of what students can do after taking this course, for example, what kind of problems they can solve, or what kind of programs they can create

Topics in the course

  • List out all the topics that are taught in the course
  • A good place to look for the course topics is the course syllabus, or on the latest course website


  • List resources that students can use to improve their skills

    • These resources can either be from youtube videos or an in-depth online tutorial
  • DO NOT put any lab or course content material, this includes:

    • Lecture recordings
    • Lecture notes
    • etc
  • To display resources, please use either of the options:

Courses available after

  • Use the Accordian component to display the courses available after the current course
  • Generally, a good start to determine what course are available afterwards is to look at what courses require this current course as a prerequisite

Accordion Prop:

dataArray[String]Each item in the array is a course code[]


<Accordion :data="['CSC148']"></Accordion>


Course Example

For a more detailed example, you can check out the CSC108 course resource page