CSC207: Software Design

Prerequisite: 60% in CSC148

Check out the past exams!

What is CSC207?

CSC207 is an introductory course where students will learn popular design patterns, as well as development tools and methods such as version control and the basics of the agile methodology. Students will learn how to program in Java using the Eclipse IDE.

Topics in CSC207

  • Version Control (Specifically Git)
  • Unit Testing
  • Object Orientated Programming
  • Design Patterns
  • Regular Expressions
  • Representation of Floating Points
  • Introduction to Numerical Computation
  • Introduction to Agile Methodology


A gentle intro to Object Oriented Programming

The 4 pillars of Object Oriented Programming

Atlassian's Agile Coach Playlist

Past Exam Guidance

2018 Fall Mind Map

Available Courses After CSC207